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Patients with isolated male factor infertility undergoing therapeutic donor insemination: To superovulate or not?

Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019

Moustafa S, et al. - Researchers examined the association of pregnancy rate with superovulation in female patients with absolute male factor infertility undergoing therapeutic donor insemination (TDI) cycles. In this retrospective chart review, they reviewed a total of 173 unmedicated cycles and 116 medicated cycles in 95 patients. Outcomes revealed that pregnancy rates among patients undergoing medicated cycles in the first 3 TDI cycles were similar to that observed in unmedicated patients, though medicated patients were older and had lower AMH levels. Conversion of unmedicated patients to medicated cycles after 3 failed TDI attempts may provide some benefit in overall pregnancy rates. The medicated group showed the twin rate of 23%.
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