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Patients with advanced chronic kidney disease and vascular calcification have a large hydrodynamic radius of secondary calciprotein particles

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation May 29, 2018

Chen W, et al. - Researchers tested a hypothesis that a large hydrodynamic radius (Rh) of secondary calciprotein particles (CPP2) and/or a fast speed of transformation (T50) are related to vascular calcification (VC) in participants with chronic kidney disease (CKD) Stages 4–5 (22 without VC and 23 with VC) and healthy volunteers (HV). To test this hypothesis, they developed a high throughput, microplate-based assay using dynamic light scattering (DLS) to measure the transformation of primary calciprotein particles (CPP1) to CPP2, Rh of CPP1 and CPP2, T50 and aggregation of CPP2. A Kauppila score >6 or an Adragao score ≥3 defined VC. They found an independent association of Rh of CPP2, but not T50, with VC in patients with CKD Stages 4–5.
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