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Patients' preferences for involvement in the decision-making process for treating diabetic retinopathy

BMC Ophthalmology Aug 18, 2017

Marahrens L, et al. – The factors related to the preferred role of the attending ophthalmologist in the decision–making processes before treating diabetic retinopathy (DR), were examined during this trial. It was noted that the first analysis of the general patient wishes for the treatment of DR affirmed the concept of shared decision–making (SDM), which was favored by three quarters. Older patients with low educational attainment wanted to delegate the decision–making process to the ophthalmologist. Amelioration of ophthalmologic education in diabetic programs could take up patients’ propensity for SDM. Despite the decision–making group, nearly all patients desired that the medical and scientific information be transferred by and shared with the ophthalmologist.
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