Patient-reported wearing experience from hydrogel daily disposable wearers older than 40 years from the TEMPO Registry
Eye & Contact Lens: Science and Clinical Practice Sep 02, 2017
Hickson–Curran SB, et al. – This research entailed the elucidation of patient–reported wearing experience over time among wearers of hydrogel daily disposable (HydDD) contact lenses (CLs) in the TruEye and Moist Performance Overview (TEMPO) Registry. A marked, higher overall opinions of their lenses, better CLDEQ–8 symptom scores were yielded by older wearers, after refitting with HydDDs. A majority of them were compliant with proper daily disposable lens use. Diminishing daily replacement rates from 2 weeks to 4 months indicated a requirement for reinforcing that recommendation. Several benefits were experienced by wearers of HydDD CLs older than 40 years, from refitting with these daily disposable lenses.
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