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Patient Related Outcomes-BODE (PRO-BODE): A composite index incorporating health utilization resources predicts mortality and economic cost of COPD in real life

Respiratory Medicine Aug 28, 2017

Negro RWD et al. – The study explored the hypothesis improvement in mortality prediction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients after adding total health care cost to the patient–related outcomes (PRO)–BODE index. The novel PRO–BODE index demonstrated usefulness in predicting the survival and economic impact of COPD over 3 years.


  • This survey included 275 patients with COPD. During the 3 years, the study evaluated anthropometrics, lung function, the BODE, and the Charlson comorbidity index. In addition, history of exacerbations, ER visits, hospitalizations, and mortality were also determined. Relationship of PRO–BODE index (1–10 points) was reported with total cost and survival.


  • Relationship between total COD cost and survival was higher (r = -0.58) compared with relationship between age and BODE index (r = -0.28 and r = -0.21). Integrated Pro–BODE score showed direct proportionality to the cost of care and inverse proportionality to survival duration.

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