Patient perspectives on renal replacement therapy modality choice: A multicenter questionnaire study on bioethical dimensions
Peritoneal Dialysis International Nov 28, 2019
Balzer MS, Clajus C, Eden G, et al. - In order to gain knowledge regarding variations in patient views of peritoneal dialysis (PD) vs hemodialysis (HD) in terms of bioethical dimensions, researchers undertook this multicenter questionnaire study to ultimately assist nephrologists to target potential PD candidates more efficiently. They performed a survey in 121 stable outpatients from 2 tertiary care hospitals and 4 dialysis clinics, inquiring about bioethical dimensions (“autonomy,” “beneficence,” “non-maleficence,” “justice,” and “trust”) with ranking and Likert scale items. Renal replacement therapy (RRT) > 3 months, age ≥ 18 years, and enough cognitive and language skills constituted the inclusion criteria. Being eliminated from the RRT selection process was the feeling reported by a surprisingly high percentage of patients. They noted that PD patients were more critical of RRT and utilized more versatile knowledge sources on RRT, whereas HD patients were principally informed by their nephrologist. Dissatisfaction with RRT was seen more frequently in PD patients vs HD patients, and the former had less trust in their co-patients. According to the findings, PD patients demonstrated more examination of their situation as patients, particularly their co-patients. Compared with HD patients, the treatment of PD patients allowed them to feel more autonomous.
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