Patient perceptions of same-day discharge after minimally invasive gynecologic and pelvic reconstructive surgery
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jul 24, 2019
Evans S, et al. - Researchers conducted a cross-sectional survey study among English-speaking new patients presenting to a subspecialty, benign gynecological surgery clinic, including female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery and minimally invasive gynecologic surgery providers, to assess patient understandings of same-day discharge after minimally invasive gynecological and pelvic reconstructive surgery. Further, they sought for the barriers to patient acceptance of same-day discharge and assessed how patient acceptance changes following reading an evidence-based statement regarding same-day discharge. The study was completed by 96% of women (208 of 216) who were approached. Analysis indicated favorable perception regarding same-day discharge following minimally invasive gynecological and pelvic reconstructive surgery among most participants. Same-day discharge was identified as less comfortable among women who live alone and those aged 65 years and older. Although patient acceptance further improves with an evidence-based statement regarding the benefits and safety of same-day discharge, direct surgeon counseling seems to be of higher significance in establishing discharge goals.
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