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Patient outcomes following total joint replacement surgery: A comparison of hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers

Journal of Arthroplasty Aug 30, 2019

Carey K, et al. - Via a large claims database of non-Medicare patients, researchers investigated inpatient and outpatient total knee replacement and total hip replacement surgery done on a near-elderly population during 2014-2016. Readmissions, postsurgical complications, and payments were lower for outpatients in comparison with inpatients. Within outpatient settings, readmissions and postsurgical complications were lower in ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) vs hospital outpatient departments (HOPDs), however, payments for ASC patients were higher as that of payments for HOPD patients. Therefore, it was supported that outpatient total joint replacement is relevant for select patients treated in both HOPDs and ASCs, however, in the commercially insured population, the latter services may come at a price. Till the additional study of outpatient total joint replacement in the Medicare population becomes accessible, how this will extrapolate to the Medicare population is unclear.
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