Patient outcomes after transolecranon fracture-dislocation
Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Feb 06, 2021
Haller JM, Hulet DA, Hannay W, et al. - In this study, the injury pattern and clinical outcomes of trans olecranon fracture-dislocations were explored. Between 2005 and 2018, researchers retrospectively examined transolecranon fracture-dislocations treated at two academic level 1 trauma centers after Institutional Review Board approval. They recorded fracture characteristics and postsurgical complications. The study enrolled a total of 35 patients with a mean follow-up of 28 months (range, 12 to 117 months). The data exhibited that individuals with transolecranon fracture-dislocation had excellent return to function based on the QuickDASH outcome assessment. Compared with patients with simple transolecranon fracture, patients with transolecranon fracture with correlated radial head fracture, coronoid fracture, humeral condyle fracture, and/or ligamentous injury tend to have worse functional outcome.
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