Patient factors associated with prolonged post-operative opioid use after total knee arthroplasty
Journal of Arthroplasty Apr 13, 2018
Namba RS, et al. - Experts sought to recognize the pre-operative factors related to increased opioid prescriptions following total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Findings demonstrated an association of several pre-operative factors with prolonged opioid use following TKA and their identification could assist providers guide pain management. Younger age, liver disease, pre-operative NSAID use, anxiety, substance abuse, diabetes mellitus, pre-operative opioid use, back pain, congestive heart failure, depression, fibromyalgia, hypertension, non-specific chronic pain, black race, and chronic lung disease were the factors associated with greater opioid use. Authors suggested a consideration of avoidance or weaning of preoperative opioids.
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