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Patient and kidney allograft survival with national kidney paired donation

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Feb 14, 2020

Leeser DB, Thomas AG, Shaffer AA, et al. - Given kidney paired donation networks have promoted an increasing proportion of kidney transplants annually in the US, but transplant result variations beyond 5 years between paired donation and other living donor kidney transplant recipients have not been adequately defined, so, researchers performed a comparison between National Kidney Registry (n = 2,363) recipients vs control kidney transplant recipients (n = 54,497), to estimate the risk of death-censored graft failure and mortality applying inverse probability of treatment weighted Cox regression. The probability of being women, black, older, on public insurance, having panel reactive antibodies > 80%, spending longer on dialysis, and be previous transplant recipients, was more among National Kidney Registry recipients. Even after transplanting patients with greater risk factors for worse post-transplant results, nationalized paired donation afforded equivalent results vs control living donor kidney transplant recipients.
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