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Patient and economic burden of presbyopia: A systematic literature review

Clinical Ophthalmology Oct 24, 2020

Berdahl J, Bala C, Dhariwal M, et al. - In this systematic literature review, researchers sought to collate, report, and critique published evidence related to epidemiology and patient and economic burden of presbyopia. Using Cochrane methodology, a systematic literature search was performed in MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases from the time of inception through October 2018. There were 2,228 citations in the initial systematic literature search, 55 of which met the inclusion criteria (epidemiology, 44; patient burden, 14; economic burden, 1) and were included in this study. The estimated presbyopia prevalence differed across regions and by age groups, with the highest prevalence of 90% reported in the Latin America region in adults ≥ 35 years. Uncorrected presbyopia affects the vision-related quality of life of patients due to difficulty in performing activities related to near-vision. Furthermore, in working-age adults, un-/under-corrected presbyopia may lead to productivity losses.

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