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Patient and clinician perspectives on electronic patient-reported outcome measures in the management of advanced CKD: A qualitative study

American Journal of Kidney Diseases Apr 22, 2019

Aiyegbusi OL, et al. - In this qualitative study conducted in the United Kingdom, researchers inquired 12 patients with stage 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) (non–dialysis dependent) and 22 clinicians (6 CKD community nurses, 1 clinical psychologist, 10 nephrologists, 3 specialist registrars, and 2 renal surgeons) about their perspectives on the use of a renal electronic patient-reported outcome measures (ePROM) system. Patients showed a willingness to complete ePROMs on a regular basis as a component of their care, despite the fact that clinicians were concerned regarding patient burden. According to clinicians, evidence of significant influence on patient outcomes should be the basis of the extent of adoption of renal ePROM systems in routine clinical settings. Their concerns were about a possible increase in patient expectations to unrealistic levels due to an ePROM system, which also may expose clinicians to the risk for litigation. Sufficiently addressing the concerns of clinicians and patients may allow a renal ePROM system to support the routine clinical management of patients with advanced CKD.
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