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Pathologically diagnosed superficial form of placenta accreta: A comparative analysis with invasive form and asymptomatic muscular adhesion

Virchows Archiv Jan 28, 2020

Sato Y, et al. - Given the limited data on the clinicopathological characteristics of placental accreta vera [PAV; a type of pathologically diagnosed placenta accreta], researchers conducted this retrospective study investigating the clinicopathological characteristics of pathologically diagnosed PAV. Further, they determined the significance of basal plate myometrium (BPMYO), which is found in PAV or placentas in asymptomatic women. Comparison of 84 cases of pathologically diagnosed placenta accreta (PAV, 54; PI, 16; and PP, 14), with controls (ie, not pathologically diagnosed of any type of placenta accreta, n = 51) was done. They observed a high incidence of in vitro fertilization and a low incidence of previous cesarean section or placenta previa among the PAV cases. A high incidence of maternal complications was noted in pathologically diagnosed PAV cases, however, some PAV were asymptomatic. A low rate of prenatal diagnosis of PAV was reported, and there were a high proportion of patients who needed emergency transportation to central hospitals. Seven (14%) of controls and 54 (100%) of PAV cases exhibited BPMYO histologically. PAV vs controls cases had a higher rate of advanced stages of BPMYO, larger muscle tissue, and more foci. These findings suggest PAV as an almost clinically symptomatic condition but with distinct risk factors and clinical findings from advanced type placenta accreta. The diagnosis of PAV could be made with histological evaluation of BPMYO.
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