Partial pulpotomy with two bioactive cements in permanent teeth of 6-to-18-year-old patients with signs and symptoms indicative of irreversible pulpitis: A non-inferiority randomised controlled trial
International Endodontic Journal Jan 18, 2019
Uesrichai N, et al. - A total of 69 permanent first molars were examined to assess the consequences of partial pulpotomy using 2 cements ie, ProRoot MTA (Dentsply, Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa, OK, USA) and Biodentine (Septodont, Saint-Maur-des-Fosses, France), in permanent teeth of 6- to-18-year-old subjects with signs and symptoms symbolizing irreversible pulpitis and also to estimate the incidence of perceptible grey discoloration caused by the cements. They observed the success rate of 92% for ProRoot MTA and 87% for Biodentine and hence, suggested Biodentine non-inferior to ProRoot MTA. They noticed perceptible grey discoloration in both groups ie, 80% for teeth treated with ProRoot MTA and 27% for teeth treated with Biodentine. Overall, both the cements proved useful but Biodentine was good with a low prevalence of discoloration.
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