Parental factors in early childhood are associated with approximal caries experience in young adults--A longitudinal study
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology Sep 20, 2018
Isaksson H, et al. - Researchers followed a cohort of 494 individuals longitudinally from 1 to 20 years of age to investigate if parental factors in early childhood influence approximal caries experience in young adults. Parental interviews and questionnaires were used to retrieve data when the child was 1 and 3 years of age. Important risk factors for developing caries included toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste at 3 years of age less than twice a day and the participants' mothers' self-estimation of their oral health care as “less than optimal”. They observed an interaction effect between toothbrushing at 3 years of age less than twice a day and consumption of caries risk products > 3 times a day that further increased the caries experience in young adults together with maternal anxiety about dental treatment.
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