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Pain thresholds are unaffected by age in a Japanese population

Muscle & Nerve Feb 17, 2020

Suzuki Y, Muramatsu K, Maruo K, et al. - Given that assessment of sensory impairment in diabetic individuals by pain threshold test utilizing intraepidermal electrical stimulation (IES) is a recently-developed technique, however, there are no normative pain thresholds in healthy people, researchers conducted this investigation to analyze pain thresholds of healthy people (n = 178) using IES, vibration perception testing (VPT), and Semmes-Weinstein monofilament testing (SWMT). Data reported that the mean pain threshold values for each age group ranged from 0.07–0.12 mA. Thresholds of pain weren't affected by age. VPT values reduced from 18.0 s to 10.6 s and SWMT values rose from 21.4 g/mm2 to 45.3 g/mm2 as the age progressed. No significant differences were found in the pain threshold, VPT, and SWMT between men and women. The pain threshold test tends to be effective for diabetic neuropathy screening as age does not influence the normative values.
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