Oxytocin levels in low-risk primiparas following breast stimulation for spontaneous onset of labor: A quasi-experimental study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Oct 18, 2019
Takahata K, et al. - Given that labor is self-induced by performing breast stimulation, researchers sought to study salivary oxytocin levels in low-risk primiparas between 38 and 39 gestational weeks following 3 consecutive days of own breast stimulation for 1 h each day vs those who underwent no breast stimulation. They collected eight saliva samples per participant at preintervention and 30, 60, and 75 min postintervention on the first and third days. In this study, they enrolled 42 women: 22 in the intervention group and 20 in the control group. Outcomes suggest a significantly higher estimated change in the mean oxytocin level 30 min following breast stimulation on the third day. Thus, the salivary oxytocin level increases with consecutive breast stimulation. The oxytocin level may likely increase with repeated stimulations.
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