Over-voluming predicted by pre-operative planning in 24% of total knee arthroplasty
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy Jun 09, 2018
Marmor S, et al. - Authors gauged the differences in volumes of resected bone vs implanted components in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). They also ascertained the incidence and factors related to ‘over-voluming’. They observed over-voluming in 24% of knees, in which the resected volume was exceeded by the implant volume by up to 16%. Findings suggested an association of over-voluming with intra-articular femoral valgus (low mLDFA), but no direct association with tibial deformity (mMPTA) or HKA angle was seen. Results demonstrated a probable correlation of over-voluming with a prosthetic overhang or excessive tensions within the joint capsule. Hence, its contribution to the unexplained pain and stiffness after TKA was noted.
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