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Ovarian HBV replication following ovulation induction in female hepatitis B carriers undergoing IVF treatment: A prospective observational study

Journal of Viral Hepatitis Sep 18, 2019

Mak JSM, Lao TL, Leung MBW, et al. - Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA levels in follicular fluid collected during oocyte retrieval were compared with paired serum samples in HBV carriers after ovarian stimulation during IVF treatment for infertility. Researchers recruited 64 HBV carrier women who were referred to the Assisted Reproductive Units of two Hong Kong hospitals. HBV DNA was detected in follicular fluid from 28 (43.8%) women, and the level was noted to be correlated with serum levels (Spearman's correlation P < 0.001). In follicular fluid from both ovaries, HBV DNA was concordantly detected, and the levels were significantly correlated (Spearman's correlation P = 0.029). In 40% of women with FF HBV DNA, they observed the follicular fluid:serum ratio of > 1.0 suggesting the existence of increased HBV replication. Further, these women displayed significantly different liver function test results
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