Outpatient vs inpatient surgical fixation of isolated ankle fractures: An analysis of 90-day complications, readmissions, and costs
The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Nov 13, 2019
Malik AT, et al. - A total of 5,317 inpatient-treated and 6,941 outpatient-treated closed ankle fractures were involved in the final cohort in order to report the independent influence of outpatient-treated ankle fracture surgery vs inpatient surgical fixation on 90-day complications, readmission, and emergency department visit rates. Following matching and multivariate analyses, individuals with outpatient ankle fractures vs persons with inpatient ankle fractures, had statistically lower rates of pneumonia, MI, acute renal failure, UTI, and pressure ulcers. Lower rates of 90-day readmissions and emergency department visits were also noted in outpatient ankle fractures. Finally, for outpatient ankle fractures, overall 90-day costs were approximately $9,000 lower than costs for inpatient ankle fractures. On the basis of these findings, it seems that outpatient treatment of ankle fractures could be considered as safe and feasible in a select cohort of individuals.
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