Outpatient shoulder arthroplasty: Outcomes, complications, and readmissions in 2 outpatient settings
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery May 31, 2019
Charles MD, et al. - In order to report on safety and outcomes after outpatient shoulder arthroplasty, researchers analyzed their initial safety experience with 50 consecutive patients who underwent outpatient shoulder arthroplasties (44 anatomic total shoulder arthroplasties, 4 reverse total shoulder arthroplasties, and 2 hemiarthroplasties) from 2014-2017. They noted significant improvements in range of motion and functional scores (American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation, and visual analog scale scores) at last follow-up in all patients. Based on the surgical setting, patients showed no difference in the complications and functional outcomes. These findings support the safety of performing outpatient shoulder arthroplasty in appropriately selected patients.
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