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Outcomes of severe lower limb injury with mangled extremity severity score ≥ 7

The Bone & Joint Journal Apr 09, 2021

Hoogervorst LA, Hart MJ, Simpson PM, et al. - This study was carried out to present the two-year patient-reported outcomes of patients in a civilian population who sustained a complex fracture of the femur or tibia with a Mangled Extremity Severity Score of ≥ 7, whereby the score ranges from 2 (lowest severity) to 11 (highest severity). Researchers applied descriptive analysis to analyze return to work rates, three-level EuroQol five-dimension questionnaire, and Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended outcomes at 12 and 24 months post-injury. The study enrolled 111 patients: 90 (81%) patients who had undergone salvage and 21 (19%) patients with surgical amputation. The results demonstrate that a small proportion of individuals with severe lower limb injury achieved a good level of function 24 months post-injury. Future follow-up is required to better understand the long-term trajectory of these individuals including delayed amputation, hospital readmissions, and healthcare utilization.

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