Outcomes of prophylactic pantoprazole in adult intensive care unit patients receiving dialysis: Results of a randomized trial
American Journal of Nephrology Oct 10, 2019
Schefold JC, Krag M, Marker S, et al. - Researchers evaluated gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding in intensive care unit (ICU) patients receiving renal replacement therapy (RRT) at baseline (and at any time in the ICU) and determined the influences of prophylactic pantoprazole vs placebo in the international stress ulcer prophylaxis (SUP) in the ICU (SUP-ICU) trial. They analyzed data for 3,291 ICU patients having one or more risk factors for GI bleeding and who were randomly treated with pantoprazole or placebo administered intravenously once daily during ICU stay (until ICU discharge, death, or a maximum of 90 days). Findings revealed high incidences of clinically significant GI bleeding but no influences of pantoprazole vs placebo in adult ICU patients receiving RRT at baseline.
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