Outcomes of operative vaginal delivery managed by residents under supervision and attending obstetricians: A prospective cross-sectional study
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Mar 03, 2019
Sentilhes L, et al. - Researchers sought to determine both severe maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity after attempted operative vaginal deliveries by residents under supervision and by attending obstetricians. They analyzed 2192 women with live singleton term fetuses in vertex presentation who underwent an attempted operative vaginal delivery in a tertiary care university hospital in this secondary analysis of a five-year prospective study with cross-sectional analysis. Outcomes suggest no differences in outcomes in correlation with management of attempted operative vaginal deliveries by residents under the supervision of attending obstetricians, compared with by the attending obstetricians themselves. These results are reassuring and encourage the continued use of residency programs for training in operative vaginal deliveries under the supervision of attending obstetricians.
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