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Outcomes of intermittent infusion hemodiafiltration in patients with cardiac hypofunction on maintenance hemodialysis

Blood Purification Dec 06, 2019

Saito M, et al. - Researchers report five cases of cardiac hypofunction on maintenance hemodialysis (HD) in order to provide information regarding the outcomes of intermittent infusion hemodiafiltration (I-HDF) in these cases. HD and I-HDF were conducted for a total of 6 months each. Alterations in dry weight (DW) and cardiothoracic ratio (CTR), blood test outcomes, echocardiography findings, plasma ­refilling rate (PRR), and tissue blood flow were compared. I-HDF receipt in these patients was accompanied by a reduction in DW and a significant improvement in CTR. During I-HDF, a significant improvement in left ventricular diameter was revealed in echocardiographic findings. During I-HDF vs HD, they found higher PRR values and increased tissue blood flow. During I-HDF, organ ischemia was prevented and the De Jager-Krogh phenomenon was suppressed as a result of intermittent infusions. This may be related to the promotion of stable plasma refilling. Excessive fluid retention was a cause of heart failure symptoms. In this study, experts found that heart failure symptoms emerged as a consequence of excessive fluid retention. Elimination of excessive fluid was facilitated by I-HDF, thereby possibly contributing to the improvement of cardiac function.
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