Outcomes of ileal conduit urinary diversion in patients with multiple sclerosis
Neurourology and Urodynamics Jan 25, 2020
Akakpo W, et al. - Researchers explored the long-term results and complications of individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) who underwent noncontinent urinary diversion to treat lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). They performed a retrospective study including a total of 91 adult individuals with MS who underwent an ileal conduit urinary diversion between 2000 and 2015. They recorded early postoperative complications, long-term complications, reoperation rates, and renal function. They indicated surgery for refractory urinary incontinence, renal failure, major perineal skin ulcer due to urinary incontinence, and recurrent urinary tract infections. No significant difference was found between preoperative and postoperative renal function. In MS individuals, results indicated that noncontinent urinary diversion using ileal conduit appears to be an effective end-stage solution. Before the surgery, the perioperative morbidity rate of 26% and the late complication rate of 31% should be considered to better inform individuals.
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