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Outcomes of childhood preventive intervention across 2 generations: A nonrandomized controlled trial

JAMA Pediatrics Aug 07, 2020

Hill KG, Bailey JA, Steeger CM, et al. - In this nonrandomized controlled trial, researchers, for the first time, investigated possible intervention outcomes on the offspring of individuals (now parents) who partook in the Raising Healthy Children preventive intervention as children in the elementary grades. This investigation was carried out in public elementary schools serving high-crime areas in Seattle, Washington. In total, 182 G3 children were involved in this analysis (72 in the full intervention and 110 in the control condition; mean age at the first wave of data collection, 7 [range, 1-13] years). Significant differences in the offspring of individuals (now parents) receiving childhood intervention were identified in four domains: improved early-childhood developmental functioning, lower teacher-rated behavioral problems, higher teacher-rated academic skills and performance, and lower child-reported risk behaviors. Such results underline the value of childhood preventive intervention not only for later adult functioning but also for improved functioning in the next generation.

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