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Outcomes in acute kidney injury in noncritically ill patients lately referred to nephrologist in a developing country: A comparison of AKIN and KDIGO criteria

BMC Nephrology Mar 18, 2020

do Nascimento GVR, et al. - By performing this observational, retrospective analysis, researchers assessed if outcomes of acute kidney injury (AKI) patients could be influenced by delayed nephrologist consultation (NC) as well as they compared Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) and Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO), given there exists scarce data on AKI in low-middle-income countries (LMICs). This inquiry was performed in a tertiary public hospital in an LMIC. A total of 103 AKI patients were examined. In-hospital mortality was estimated to be 61.16%, and 38.83% needed dialysis. In this study, delayed NC was found to be related to mortality even following adjustments, as was haemodialysis, though marginally. AKI patients with NC > 4 days demonstrated a high prevalence of KDIGO stage 3, and the AKIN and KDIGO criteria were found to be identical.

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