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Outcomes among 196 patients with noninfectious proximal aortitis

Arthritis & Rheumatology Nov 14, 2019

Clifford AH, Arafat A, Idrees JJ, et al. - Records of individuals who underwent thoracic aortic surgery (1996–2012) at the Cleveland Clinic were analyzed and 196 people with histopathologically proven aortitis were recognized in order to better describe and stress the limitations of this diagnostic category in a large population of patients in a single center dedicated to aortic diseases and to recommend suggestions for care. It was found out that at the time of surgery, the majority of individuals (66%) with histopathologically verified aortitis have clinically isolated aortitis (CIA). CIA persons less often report new symptoms over time, however, new vascular lesions needing surgery usually transpire. For all aortitis people, serial follow-up like large vessel imaging is strongly suggested.
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