Outcomes after hip fractures sustained in hospital: A propensity-score matched cohort study
Injury Apr 23, 2021
Khawar H, Craxford S, Marson B, et al. - This study was sought to correlate outcomes following hip fracture for patients who sustained their fracture whilst in hospital (inpatients) with those who sustained their fracture in the community (outpatients). Between 1 st May 2007 and 31 st March 2018, data on all hip fracture admissions aged 65 years or over were examined from a prospectively collected hip fracture database. Researchers examined patient demographics, co-morbidities, and discharge information. The study enrolled a total of 7,592 patients. Patients who suffer a hip fracture whilst in hospital have significantly poorer outcomes than those who suffer a hip fracture whilst an outpatient, even after adjusting for co-morbidities. There is a need for dedicated guidelines for this, particularly vulnerable group.
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