Outcome of hip and knee periprosthetic joint infections caused by pathogens resistant to biofilm-active antibiotics: Results from a prospective cohort study
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Jan 24, 2018
Akgun D, et al. - Herein, the outcome of difficult-to-treat (DTT) periprosthetic joint infections (PJI) [often defined as PJI caused by pathogens, for which no biofilm-active antibiotics are available] and non-DTT PJI was assessed in a prospective cohort treated with a two-stage exchange according to a standardized algorithm, to clarify if the outcome of DTT PJI is worse than those of non-DTT PJI. Findings demonstrated that the outcome of DTT and non-DTT PJI was similar (80–84%), however, at the cost of longer hospital stay, longer prosthesis-free interval and longer antimicrobial treatment.
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