Orthopedic treatment and early weight-bearing for bimalleolar ankle fractures in elderly patients: Quality of life and complications
Injury Dec 04, 2019
Lorente A, et al. - In this prospective cohort study involving 70 individuals, researchers contrasted the quality of life and the number of complications between the two types of intervention (weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing), as well as analyzed the associated complications and costs. Study participants have been assigned in two groups: a control group of 37 individuals (nonweight-bearing), mean age was 82 ± 3 years, and an experimental group of 33 individuals (weight-bearing), mean age was 83 ± 3 years. No significant differences were found in the complication rate between the two groups. Among elderly individuals with Weber type B fracture without increasing complications, early weight-bearing improves the quality of life and functionality.
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