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Oral vs intravenous iron therapy for postpartum anemia: A systematic review and meta-analysis

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dec 24, 2018

Sultan P, et al. - Researchers compared oral vs intravenous iron therapy to treat postpartum anemia by performing a systematic review of randomized trials. The inclusion criteria was met by 15 randomized trials (n=1,001 and 1,181 women receiving oral iron and intravenous iron, respectively). Women who received intravenous iron displayed almost 1 g/dL higher hemoglobin concentrations at 6 weeks postpartum when compared to those receiving oral iron. Further, intravenous iron also displayed a reassuring safety profile. Oral iron use had weaker hemoglobin response and a higher risk of gastrointestinal side-effects. These findings suggest that consideration should be given to intravenous iron as a viable treatment option for postpartum iron deficiency anemia.
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