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Oral vs intravenous antibiotics for bone and joint infection

New England Journal of Medicine Feb 05, 2019

Li HK, et al. - Given that the management of complex orthopedic infections usually includes a prolonged course of intravenous antibiotic agents, researchers ascertained if oral antibiotic therapy is noninferior to intravenous antibiotic therapy for this indication. Study participants included adults who were being treated for bone or joint infection at 26 U.K. centers. For this investigation, participants were randomly assigned to receive either intravenous or oral antibiotics to complete the first 6 weeks of therapy within 7 days after surgery. Investigators observed that oral antibiotic therapy was noninferior to intravenous antibiotic therapy when used during the first 6 weeks for complex orthopedic infection, as evaluated by treatment failure at 1 year. In the intravenous group, catheter complications were more common.
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