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Oral health status and its determinants among opiate dependents: A cross-sectional study

BMC Oral Health Jan 10, 2019

Shekarchizadeh H, et al. - In this comprehensive cross-sectional survey held in Tehran, Iran, the authors studied to examine the oral health status and its predicting factors among 217 in-treatment opiate-dependent subjects with mean age of 43.6 years. They observed a poor oral health state in terms of the dentition status and periodontal health as the mean Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth (DMFT) score was 20.3. They also noticed that missing teeth constituted the main part of the index followed by decayed and filled teeth. They recommended the integration of oral health care into the package of general health services available in treatment centers as not a single candidate was recorded with a healthy periodontium.
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