Oral health of 6–7 year-old children according to the Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment (CAST) index
BMC Oral Health Jan 23, 2019
Babaei A, et al. - A sum of 739 kids of 6- to 7-year-old were randomized to estimate their oral health state [based on the Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment (CAST) index] with respect to oral health knowledge and background determinants. They observed a healthy status (code 0–2) in about 89.3–93.7% of the permanent molars. Less than 1% of total candidates were noted with abscess/fistula whereas 25.3 to 31.2% with dentinal lesions and 2.9 to 10.5% with a prevalence of pulp involvement in primary molar teeth. They observed grave morbidity (codes 6 and 7), commonly in the first primary molars as compared to second ones. A significant correlation was also noted between CAST score of 3 and low level of father’s education (as an indicator of social rank) and oral hygiene status, suggesting the CAST index, a useful and practical index in epidemiological surveys.
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