Oral health experiences of individuals with Rett syndrome: A retrospective study
BMC Oral Health Dec 05, 2018
Lai YYL, et al. - In this retrospective study, researchers characterized the incidence of dental extractions and restorations in a population-based cohort, according to a range of demographic and clinical factors and also examined the connection between bruxism and age. For this investigation, they analyzed existing questionnaire data in the population-based Australian Rett Syndrome Database for the years 2004, 2006, 2009 or 2011 on genetically confirmed 242 female cases. They found that the incidence of extractions decreased with increasing levels of income. The incidence rate of extraction for those with large deletions was higher compared to those with a C-terminal mutation. For every one-year increase in age, there was a 5% decrease in the risk of frequent bruxism. The social advantage in individuals with Rett syndrome might provide some protection for dental health. Those with more severe genotypes had poorer oral health results.
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