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Oral contraception in adolescents with type 1 diabetes and its association with cardiovascular risk factors. A multicenter DPV study on 24,011 patients from Germany, Austria or Luxembourg

Pediatric Diabetes May 15, 2018

Bohn B, et al. - From the multicenter “diabetes prospective follow-up” (DPV) registry, researchers examined differences in cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic control in girls with type 1 diabetes with or without the use of oral contraceptives (OC). In this cross-sectional study, 24,011 adolescent girls (13 to < 18 years of age) from Germany, Austria or Luxembourg with type 1 diabetes from the DPV registry were analyzed. They discovered that OC use in adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes was related to a poorer cardiovascular risk profile. They found biological risk factors were somewhat clarified by a grouping of sociodemographic and lifestyle factors with a small additional influence of OC use. Therefore, a screening for cardiovascular risk factors and targeted education should be combined with a prescription of OC.

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