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Oral antibiotic exposure and kidney stone disease

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology May 25, 2018

Tasian GE, et al. - Researchers explored the link between 12 classes of oral antibiotics and nephrolithiasis in a population-based, case–control study nested within 641 general practices providing electronic health record data for >13 million children and adults from 1994 to 2015 in the United Kingdom. A total of 25,981 patients with nephrolithiasis were matched to 259,797 controls by age, sex, and practice at date of diagnosis (index date) by using incidence density sampling. They also used conditional logistic regression models adjusting for the rate of health care encounters, comorbidities, urinary tract infections, and use of thiazide and loop diuretics, proton-pump inhibitors, and statins. Oral antibiotics were found to be related to increased odds of nephrolithiasis. For recent exposure and exposure at younger age, the greatest odds were reported.
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