Optimal hospital and surgeon volume thresholds to improve 30-day readmission rates, costs, and length of stay for total hip replacement
Journal of Arthroplasty Jun 01, 2019
Chou YY, et al. - Using Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database, researchers investigated the optimal hospital and surgeon volume thresholds, and changes in 30-day unplanned readmission, costs and length of stay (LOS) in relation to these volume thresholds in 6367 patients who underwent total hip replacement (THR). For hospitals and surgeons, the defined volume thresholds were 65 cases and 15 cases a year, respectively. The estimated overall mean LOS was 7.3 ± 4.3 days. Higher 30-day unplanned readmission rates, costs, and LOS were observed in patients who received THR from surgeons who did not reach the volume threshold vs those who received THR from surgeons who reached the volume threshold. For the first time ever, the surgeon volume threshold was identified in this study. However, these findings may not be applicable to other parts of the world.
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