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Optical microangiography and progressive retinal nerve fiber layer loss in primary open angle glaucoma

American Journal of Ophthalmology Jul 28, 2021

Rao HL, Dasari S, Puttaiah NK, et al. - In this prospective case series, researchers sought to explore the connection between optical microangiography (OMAG) measurements and progressive retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) loss in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). Sixty-four eyes from 40 POAG patients (108 quadrants) with mild to moderate functional damage were studied longitudinally for at least 2 years and with at least 3 optical coherence tomography examinations. Lower baseline peripapillary perfusion density and vessel density measured using OMAG were significantly linked to a faster rate of RNFL loss in POAG. OMAG imaging can help determine the likelihood of glaucoma progression and the rate at which the disease worsens.

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