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Optic perineuritis secondary to hyaluronic acid injections: A case report

BMC Ophthalmology Dec 06, 2019

Hu Y, et al. - Experts presented a case of first known case of optic perineuritis caused by hyaluronic acid of a young female who encountered sudden orbital pain in the right eye following receiving hyaluronic acid injections to the eyebrows who came to the eye clinic two weeks later subsequent to the development of a blurred vision in the right eye. The fundus examination disclosed bilateral swelling of optic discs. MRI of the brain showed bilateral perineural enhancement consistent with optic perineuritis. The female was treated with a retrobulbar injection of hyaluronidase and oral prednisolone and her vision improved. Thus, in people with optic perineuritis, the prognosis for visual outcomes is usually unique. Nevertheless, a poor prognosis is related to delays in the initiation of treatment. Moreover, understanding this condition is necessary, and treatment with corticosteroids should be begun early.
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