Opioid utilization following cervical spine surgery: Trends and factors associated with long-term use
The Spine Journal Apr 27, 2018
Pugely AJ, et al. - Experts evaluated the trends in post-operative narcotic use amongst preoperative opioid users (OU) vs non-opioid users (NOU), and identified the factors related to postoperative narcotic use at 1-year following cervical arthrodesis. Prior to cervical arthrodesis, over 50%patients used opioids. In NOU, postoperative opioid-use fell dramatically during the first 3-months. At 1-year postop, nearly half of the pre-op opioid users remained on narcotics. For the detection of patients at risk for chronic use, these findings served as a baseline as well as encouraged discontinuation of opioids prior to cervical spinal surgery.
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