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Opioid requirement after rotator cuff repair is low with a multimodal approach to pain

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Nov 04, 2020

Mandava NK, Sethi PM, Routman HD, et al. - This study was attempted to prospectively ascertain the requirements for opiate medications following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (ARCR) and to develop an evidence-based guideline for postoperative prescription, in contrast to the anecdotal or expert panel recommendations that currently exist. Researchers further explored if liposomal bupivacaine (LB) interscalene never block (ISNB) would reduce pain and opiate consumption compared to standard bupivacaine ISNB (control) for ARCR. A total of 100 patients who had undergone primary ARCR surgery were included in the analysis. This study’s findings demonstrate that with a multimodal approach, the majority of patients undergoing ARCR can manage postoperative pain with 15 or fewer oxycodone 5 mg tabs (112.5 MMEs) and maintain a high degree of satisfaction. In comparison with a standard ISNB, the addition of a LB ISNB may further decrease the consumption of postoperative narcotics. This research gives evidence that may be applied for surgeon guidelines in the effort to decrease opioid prescriptions following ARCR.

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