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Opioid prescription refills after osteochondral procedures of the knee

Arthroscopy Jun 07, 2019

DeMik DE, et al. - Patients undergoing osteochondral autograft transplant (OAT) and osteochondral allograft transplant (OCA) procedures of the knee were assessed for the incidence of postoperative opioid prescription refills. In addition, researchers appraised how filling preoperative opioid prescriptions influence the incidence of postoperative filling and examined how age, sex, and diagnosis of low-back pain influence postoperative opioid prescription filling. Searching Humana administrative claims database, 300 patients were identified; of these, 133 (44%) underwent OAT and 167 (56%) underwent OCA procedures. Age of 236 (79%) of these patients was ≤ 49 years and 31% of the patients filled opioid prescriptions preoperatively. They noted increased risk of postoperative filling of opioid prescriptions after cartilage restoration procedures of the knee in correlation to filling opioid prescriptions preoperatively. As per the univariate analysis, age of 50 years or older and low-back pain were noted raising the risk of postoperative prescription refilling, however, a multivariate analysis revealed a significantly increased risk at 3 months postoperatively only in correlation to age of 50 years or older.
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