Opioid-limiting regulation: Effect on patients undergoing knee and shoulder arthroscopy
Arthroscopy Mar 06, 2020
Shah KN, Ruddell JH, Reid DBC, et al. - This study sought to ascertain the impact prescription-limiting legislation passed in Rhode Island has had on opioids prescribed following arthroscopic knee and shoulder surgery at various time points, up to 90 days postoperatively. Researchers recruited all individuals who underwent the 3 most common arthroscopic procedures at our institution (anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, partial meniscectomy, and rotator cuff repair). Individuals were chosen from 2 6-month study periods (prepassage and postimplementation of the law). In the first 30 days, state opioid-limiting legislation decreased cumulative MMEs following arthroscopic knee and shoulder surgery. Futures study is needed to evaluate the effect of this legislation on postoperative pain control, patient satisfaction, and functional outcomes following surgery.
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