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Opioid-free spine surgery: A prospective study of 244 consecutive cases by a single surgeon

The Spine Journal Apr 22, 2020

Berkman RA, et al. - This study was undertaken to investigate the hypothesis that opioid-free elective spine surgery, including lumbar fusions, can be conducted with satisfactory pain control. This research examined prospectively obtained data from a single surgeon's patients who were enrolled into an institutional spine registry. Between January 1st, 2018 and July 13th, 2019, researchers included every consecutive surgical patient of author RAB. A comprehensive program was developed for opioid-free pain control after elective spine surgery. They conducted student's t-tests to compare pain scores, and regression analyses were carried out to understand drivers of opioid use and pain. There were a total of 244 patients who included in the study. Opioid-free elective spine surgery, including lumbar fusions, was found to be useful and effective. The results of this study imply that opioid-free spine surgery be proposed to patients who are opioid-naïve or who can be weaned off prior to the operation.

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