Opioid disorders are associated with thromboemboli following primary total knee arthroplasty
Journal of Arthroplasty Aug 08, 2019
Vakharia RM, et al. - Patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with opioid use disorder (OUD) were recognized by the researchers in order to examine whether OUD patients who underwent primary TKA had greater rates of venous thromboembolism (VTE), readmissions, and costs of care. The study generated 54,480 patients with (n = 10,929) and without (n= 43,551) OUD who underwent primary TKA. Matching was victorious since there were no notable variations in baseline features. OUD patients were observed to have greater odds of VTEs 90-days after primary TKA. In addition to incurring higher day of surgery and 90-day costs, OUD patients were discovered to have greater odds of 90-day readmissions in comparison with controls. In conclusion, patients with OUD had greater rates of VTEs, readmissions, and costs after primary TKA, after adjusting for confounders. Moreover, to using this data to aid teach and advise patients, the study should be used to assist further manage and control opioid prescriptions written by healthcare professionals.
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