Open pronation abduction ankle fractures associated with increased complications and patient BMI
Injury Feb 29, 2020
Kahan J, Brand J, Schneble C, et al. - Researchers conducted this investigation to test the assumption that open pronation abduction (PA) fractures were correlated with obesity and increased number of reoperations. Using Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes, all patients at a single level one trauma center who received operative treatment for an ankle fracture between February 2012 to January 2019 have been retrospectively identified. According to findings, open PA ankle fractures are more frequently linked to obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2) than are other open ankle fractures caused by a different mechanism. When reoperation occurs, patients with open PA ankle fractures need more reoperations and are more likely to need arthrodesis or below-knee amputation that patients with other open ankle fracture subtypes. Early identification of those patients or injuries at increased risk of complications may help to ensure optimum results.
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